Federación Empresarial Hotelera de Mallorca

| August 13, 2013
[slider_pro id=”27″] [spacer size=”30″] [column size=”1-3″] logo_fehm
[/column] [column size=”2-3″ last=”1″] The Mallorca Hotel Federation was founded in 1976 serving as a pioneer and dean of tourist associations in Spain, encompassing small, medium and large hotel companies in Mallorca.

Currently has 185 633 hotel seats of 853 establishments.
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Calle Aragón, 215, 3º
07008 Palma de Mallorca
Illes Balears
[spacer size=”2″] Tel.: +34 971 70 60 07
[spacer size=”2″] general@fehm.es
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